Nordic IN - Industrianställda i Norden - Pohjoismaiden Teollisuustyöntekijät

Nya nordiska ombudsmän Annakarin_Anders

Industrianställdas styrelse valde i oktobers styrelsemöte två nya nordiska ombudsmän. Annakarin Wall har arbetat i flera olika uppgifter i fackföreningar och hon har också erfarenhet av att arbeta i Latinamerika. Annakarin byter från hennes nuvarande jobb i Unionen till IN i början av december och ska ta ansvar om INs avtalspolitiska arbetet.

Anders Andersson har bakgrund som klubbordförande på ett glasbruk i Småland samt som regionalt förtroendevald avdelningsstyrelseledamot, men de senaste åren har han arbetat som ombudsman i IF Metalls förbudskontor. Anders kan du nå på INs kontor från början av januari 2019. Hans huvudsansvar ska bli företagspolitik.

Uusia pohjoismaisia toimitsijoita

Pohjoismaiden Teollisuustyöntekijöiden hallitus valitsi lokakuun kokouksessa kaksi uutta pohjoismaista toimitsijaa. Annakarin Wall on työskennellyt useissa ammattiyhdistysliikkeen tehtävissä ja hänellä on työkokemusta myös latinalaisesta Amerikasta. Annakarin siirtyy nykyisestä työstään ammattiliitto Unionenissa joulukuun alussa ja ottaa vastuulleen sopimuspoliittisen toiminnan.

Anders Anderssonin tausta on smålantilaisen lasitehtaan ay-osaston puheenjohtajana sekä luottamustoimisena alueosaston johtokunnan jäsenenä. Viime vuodet hän on työskennellyt toimitsijana IF Metallin keskustoimistolla. Andersin tavoitat Nordic INistä tammikuun 2019 alusta. Hänen päävastuualueensa tulee olemaan yrityspolitiikka.

New Nordic Officers

The Executive Committee of Nordic IN nominated in October two new Nordic Officers. Annakarin Wall has worked for several years in different positions within trade unions and she has also experience in working in Latin America. Annakarin will change from her current job in Unionen (Swedish White Collar Workers' Union) to Nordic IN in the beginning of December. Her main responsibility will be IN's work on Collective Agreement Policy.

Anders Andersson has background in Småland where he used to run a local TU club in a glass factory. During last years he has been working as a TU Officer at the Headquarters of Swedish Blue Collar Workers' Union IF Metall. You can reach Anders at the office of the Nordic IN from beginning of January 2019. He will be reponsible for Company Policy Activities.

Resolution on education and digitalization

Digitalization is proceeding at an ever-increasing rate. Digitalization affects our lives on many levels. Both private and working life. The digitalization can provide a number of benefits for the individual, for companies, for the public sector and for the whole community. It can be said that all types of jobs are or will be affected by digitalization and parts of the job will require digital competencies.

In this development, it is crucial to realize and remember that in the end of the day it is the skilled labor force who makes this happen. Therefore, education is the prerequisite for individuals, businesses and society to benefit the most from digitalization. Both individuals, companies and society, have a responsibility here: employees need willingness to learn and acquire new skills, companies are to support – in time and preferably also as concrete training opportunities – and politicians as well as public authorities need to offer financial resources, flexible re- and uptraining models and possibly tax reduction schemes.

You can read the whole statement adopted by Nordic IN's Executive Committee on October 31, 2017 in English.

Du kan läsa uttalandet, som styrelsen av Industrianställda i Norden godkände den 31 oktober, 2017 på svenska.

Pohjoismaiden Teollisuustyöntekijöiden hallituksen 31.10.2017 hyväksymä kannanotto suomeksi.

Et europa for alle europæere
Et stærkere socialt Europa

EU People 300

Storbritanniens beslutning om at forlade EU er en udfordring for os alle. Den britiske afstemning afspejler den skuffelse, mangel på indflydelse og manglende tillid, som også findes i andre dele af Europa. Afstemningens resultat er et slag i ansigtet til den eksisterende europæiske konstruktion og det bekræfter, at den sociale dimension i Europa ikke omfatter alle. Et stærkere socialt Europa er en nøglereaktion på dette.

Ny ledning till Nordic IN

Claus Jensen, ordförande för CO-industri (Danmark), blev vald som den nya ordföranden för Industrianställda i Norden. Valet var enhällig och tog plats i slutet av juni i Reykjavik, där INs högsta beslutsorgan, Nordiskt Forum hade sitt möte.

Forumet valde också tre viceordförande, nämligen Marie Nilsson (IF Metall, Sverige), Riku Aalto (Industrifacket, Finland) och Lise Lyngsnes Randeberg (Tekna, Norge).

IN fick också en ny generalsekreterare efter Jens Bundvad, som tog hand om organisationen för åtta år. Nordiskt Forum valde Reijo Paananen till posten för en mandatperiod av fyra år.

Atle Høie i ledelsen for IndustriALL Global

IN gratulerer Atle Høie med hans valg som assistant general secretary i IndustriALL Global.

European Arctic Policy

Goliat ENI

Strong Nordic IN reservations to European Parliament’s draft report on an integrated European Union policy for the Arctic

The Nordic IN finds the paragraphs 13, 14 and 41 in the European Parliament draft report on an integrated European Union policy for the Arctic to be highly problematic and not in line with the usual practice of scientifically based decision-making in the European institutions. The Nordic-IN will therefore urge the European Parliament not to adopt the three paragraphs as they stand in the plenary vote on this report.

The British majority to leave the EU is a challenge for us all


After an increasingly shrill campaign, the majority of the British people yesterday voted to leave the European Union.

This poses a serious challenge to us all.

First of all we need to remain calm, but we also need to decide how to deal with this new situation.

For our British colleagues there is the major challenge of how to create a solution for British society and the British economy after the vote. The proponents for Britain to leave have presented no real plan for what happens now and it is up to the responsible parts of British society, including the trade union movement, to create a future for Britain with social responsibility and economic stability. We should do what we can to help them in this effort.

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